Into His Marvelous Light

Release the Sound to Receive the Promise

Darniece Toaltoan Season 1 Episode 13

All throughout scripture, we see Gods love for us, how He loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten son - Jesus Christ! Jesus died for our sins and because of His sacrifice, we are able to receive the promise of salvation.

When we follow the Word of God and His plan of salvation, it is promised to us that we can spend forever with Him! John 3:5 says that no one can enter into the Kingdom of God unless they are born of the water and of the Spirit. We are all sinners and are in need of a savior! Even being the sinners that we are, Jesus demonstrated His love for us by dying on the cross! Its stated in Romans 5:8 that "…God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Jesus is not waiting for us to be perfect, or to have it all together before turning to Him. In fact, Jesus embraces brokenness for He is able to restore and bring salvation to all. As sinners, we are sick, as sinners, we are diseased and in need of a touch from the ultimate physician who is able to do anything!

I invite you today to join me on this episode as I talk about sounds that must be released, for us to receive His promise!

Thank you for listening to Into His Marvelous Light. I pray that this episode was a blessing to you and that you allow Gods word to lead you closer to Him.

If you would like to connect with me, please send me an email @

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